Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rocket Attack Part 2


Last night there was a USO show. The show was pretty good... meh it was alright. Anyway, I was there to see the comedian. He was doing pretty well up until the wail of the rocket attack alarm went off about 3/4th of the way through his set. Then he bombed... Haha! Zing!

Obviously he wasn't used to the threat of a rocket being aimed at the compound he's visiting so the sight of the 800 or so attendees of the show sprawled out in front of him all hitting the deck surprised him a bit. With the microphone still at his mouth we all hear him say, "Oh, Shit!" over the speakers. One audience member yelled out, "every damned time!" in frustration.

The evacuation plan for the boardwalk went steadily and smoothly with us all being ushered to rise at the same time and head towards the exits, when another rocket attack is signaled and we lay flat once more. Finally we all get out and headed towards the bunkers.


Yesterday, I was skyping with a friend of mine and the rocket attack alarm went off. It was the first time that the alarm has gone off while I've been skyping with someone back home. I felt bad that someone saw me duck down to kneel while maneuvering the computer mouse to hang up on her for the couple minutes before I could call her back. I hate to worry people - especially as watching me crouch down is not by any means a representation of our level of physical danger here, which is actually quite small.


I find myself thinking a lot about the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. SPOILER ALERT: if you do not wish to have the surprise ending ruined for you do not continue with this blog post until you read the short story (click the link to get to it - it's not very long). In it, a small American town draws lots to determine who will be the one member of the community stoned to death to ensure a good harvest for the year. The character who is selected in the end has the final line of the story and it's this: "It isn't fair, it isn't right."

I don't actually think of my decision to come here in this way, nor do I believe in human sacrifice to ensure a prosperous harvest, but I keep coming back to the idea that living here on KAF is like putting your name down for a lottery. It's morbid, and to talk about life in these terms to anyone who lives here would some sort of breach in etiquette, but we are all in a lottery of sorts.


Amid a period during which there have been relatively few rocket attacks, one went off while I was in the gym a few days back. I'm hardly fazed anymore, but there was something different about this one. It's very rare to be huffing and puffing doing cardio - and then suddenly be lying motionless on the ground - it felt weird, and you're supposed to do a cool-down and I can't believe the taliban would be so inconsiderate to my leg muscles...

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